Friday, January 11, 2008

New Rating System

I've been thinking about it and I'm gonna stick in a new rating system for this list of mine.
I've been consulting my inner snarky 80's teenager who still enjoys Scott Baio in "Zapped," and so here's what I've come up with.

Buy It: This is reserved for the movies you absolutely must own. So get the fuck out of your chair, rush to Best Buy and snatch one off the shelves. STAT!

Rent It: Stick it in your Netflix queue. You'll enjoy yourself and feel good too.

Watch It On Cable: If it happens to be on TCM or TNT take a look just so you can say you did.

Skip It: they're masochistic exercises in self improvement that only serve to leave an audience in agony and waiting for the sweet bliss of death.

Next Up: Robert Altman's "Nashville"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear spike
you should know that i am going to tell you that i totally disagree with your review of "NASHVILLE'........
i think it is prime "Altman" of his 3 best, the subject matter/message is completely prescient, today in 2008....the mark of good art....that can stand the "test of time". so, i say, "caca" to you!.......haha

your ever loving, but eternally disagreeable auntie,