Friday, February 8, 2008

Filing In The Gaps Case File #5: M

To a pop culture addled mind like mine the name "M" instantly brings back memories of watching the old James Bond movies on television with my grandfather (M was 007's boss, in case you've forgotten, and was always calling him just as he was about to remove the bra of some beautiful lady).

But this film "M" is about as far away from that as Fight Club is from Sesame Street.
It stars Peter Lorre in the enviable role as a serial killer. And not just any serial killer.
This one kills little girls.

Not the most audience friendly subject matter, oh and by the way, it's in German. So you really have to follow those subtitles. I've never had a problem with foreign films. Subtitles don't bother me. And after all these years, hearing dialog in Italian, Spanish, or French is pleasing to the ear even if I can't understand more than a word of it. German, however, always sounds like someone coughing up phlegm.

That said, this film is a must see if you have any interest in the great film noir movies of the 30's and 40's since "M" had an enormous influence on film making at that time.
It's a German film by Fritz Lang and it's full of haunting images like the balloon that is blown away after Peter Lorre murders a little girl.
In this film it's not about what you see, it's about what you don't see and what is suggested by the shadows.
There's some great performances that seem to creep into your subconscious and jump out at you when you don't expect it.
The film has enough connection to the world at that time that it feels real, but there's a nightmarish quality to it that makes you feel like the evil can come right up to your door and it won't stay in the safe world of the movies.

Peter Lorre will make your skin crawl with creepiness. The role fit him like a glove. Alas it was a glove that fit too well because he was never really able to shake the stain of this film for the rest of his career. Ever wonder why he only turns up playing lowlifes and creeps with a very dark side? This is it.

Alas, this isn't everyone's cup of tea.
So on my patented scale of buy it, rent it, watch it on tv, or skip it-
For film Buffs: Buy it.
Everyone Else: Rent it

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